今年的學測是 103 課綱微調之後的第一次。整體而言,內容變動不大,比較需要注意 的地方有兩個:一個是三角函數中廣義角涵蓋了弧度的用法,度與弧度的轉換必須非常的熟練;第二個是轉移矩陣的應用只限定在二階,難度顯然降低很多。底下筆者就把今年學測各單元的重點條列式的整理出來。…
來源:【翰林官網 期刊輔材 2017/2/21】
Hanlin Wordpress
說明: 第1題至第X題皆計分,每題有 4 個選項,其中只有一個是正確或最適當的 選項,請畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 2 分;答錯、 未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。
1 臺灣有許多公民自發性成立的非營利組織,已推動多項重大法律修正,促進人 權落實,其重要成果包括犯罪嫌疑人人權以及集會遊行權保障等。以下對於公 民組織的行動及其與人權保障的相關敘述何者正確?
來源:【翰林官網 期刊輔材 2017/2/21】
來源:【翰林官網 2017/3/10】
Snow Falls in the World’s Largest Desert
On December 19, snowfall hit a Sahara desert town for the first time in nearly 40 years. The dry, hot Sahara desert, located in North Africa, is the largest desert in the world. The beautiful images of snowfall in the Sahara desert were captured by amateur photographer Karim Bouchetata in the small Algerian town of Ain Sefra at 1,078 meters above sea level…
來源:【翰林官網 期刊輔材 2017/2/21】
Large Cities Are Solutions for Global Climate Goals
Seventy percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from cities, which house over half the global population. Members of a global network of large cities called C40 account for seven percent of city emissions. To meet global climate goals, big cities must cut their carbon footprint by almost half within a decade. The 90 C40 cities comprise a quarter of the worldwide economy and are home to over 650 million people—nearly ten percent of the global population…
來源:【翰林官網 期刊輔材 2017/2/21】
The Inauguration of President Donald J. Trump
On Friday, January 20, 2017, President Donald J. Trump took the oath of office to become the 45th President of the United States. Presidents Jimmy Carter, George Bush, Barack Obama, and the first ladies, as well as about 160,000 people attended the inauguration ceremony at the West Front of the US Capitol Building. The turnout seemed to be smaller than for the inauguration of President Obama in 2009. Donald Trump is also the oldest and wealthiest person to become president in the history of the USA, and the first without any prior military or governmental service experience…
來源:【翰林官網 期刊輔材 2017/2/21】